Plato and Freud

 Plato and Freud


    We often rely on our senses however, Plato believed that our senses are often unreliable. Most in 2020 would disagree with him but when we look at today's society that he could be correct. We know that we can become nose blind to scents after a while, textures are not always as they seem, and sounds could be produced by something you wouldn't expect. So, yes, I agree with Plato our senses can not always be trusted.
    Our reliance on our senses could be viewed as materialistic by those who do not rely on their senses one hundred percent. However, there is no way to become less materialistic on this subject without losing one or more of their senses. Without these senses would we even be able to perceive the world anyway? No one knows how the world minus the basic senses would be perceived.
    The five senses have us so bound to the reality that if someone were to ask you to think of a new sense unrelated to the ones we already possess it is practically impossible to think of one.


    Freud believed in the significance of dreams and understanding them. However, was he correct to believe that they are of significance to our lives? Sure it would be interesting to understand what our dreams mean however, science has shown that dreams are a collection of memories put together by our brains for no certain reason. For some I think it would be important to understand their dreams however, I don't dream much so it wouldn't do me much good.
    Dreams tend to mystify most because they seem to be strange and many believe that their dreams are trying to tell them something. Dreams also can be terrifying but that can vary from person to person. Most people do not remember their dreams because they are of no significance in their daily lives. Dreaming could definitely be classified as a mental activity even though it is not done consciously.
