Montessori and Dewey

 Montessori and Dewey


    Montessori believed that school should spark a child's flame allowing them to develop a love of learning. It is shown that if a child is allowed to take ahold of their own learning path that they will continue to learn about what they are interested in. She believed that the furniture in the school setting could affect the way a child learns. If a more flexible setting is utilized then the children feel more comfortable and willing to express what they want to learn move about. This freedom of choice allows the children to learn about what they love not what is forced upon them by a standardized school system.


    Dewey wanted the students to have power over their own education however, in today's schools previous to college schools are highly based on the standardized curriculum. For thinking in education to be present in the classroom the students must be allowed to have the power to choose what they learn. Dewey believed that if you were to give the students the power in their education then they would be more willing to learn.
