Lao-tzu vs. Machiavelli Lao-tzu's style of Government According to Thoughts for the Tao-te Ching Lao-tzu had many strong beliefs in how a government should be run. He states that there is an abundance of powerful people then there would be no person that would have power over another and that if the population is allowed to become materialistic then the government will witness an increase in crime. He calls for the leader to take action only when needed for the good of his subjects however, he must also inspire his subjects spiritually so that they comply with his orders. He must instill new beliefs in his people so as to make his government strong. Lao-tzu believed that it is best to be loved as a leader as opposed to being feared or despised. To have trust in the subjects is to them having trust in their ruler. They may not hear their leader speak of what he is to do but to see the little action of help he sends their way. He calls to take away the burdens of relig...
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